
Students who are graduating at the end of the current term will have a hold that prevents further registration.

如果你仍然需要参加课程来完成项目要求, e-mail graduate@secretsilm.com to notify the University Registrar of your new graduation term and to request that the hold be lifted.

如果你想在毕业后继续上课, 你必须以攻读学位或非学位学生的身份重新入学. 一旦你被一个新的学位课程录取, 或在毕业后以非学位学生的身份入学, 舱位将被解除. 如果在你被录取后仍然保持等待,发电子邮件 register@secretsilm.com for assistance.

有关完整信息,请参见 RG hold below.

这不是暂停,但确实阻止了注册 仅在预注册期间 直到学生有资格注册为止. 未持时票入学的学生,可于公开报名开始时报名.

Only degree-seeking students registered for the current term are eligible to receive time tickets.

Students who are graduating at the end of the current term will have a hold that prevents further registration.

如果你仍然需要参加课程来完成项目要求, e-mail graduate@secretsilm.com to notify the University Registrar of your new graduation term and to request that the hold be lifted.

如果你想在毕业后继续上课, 你必须以攻读学位或非学位学生的身份重新入学. 一旦你被一个新的学位课程录取, 或在毕业后以非学位学生的身份入学, 舱位将被解除. 如果在你被录取后仍然保持等待,发电子邮件 register@secretsilm.com for assistance.

有关完整信息,请参见 RG hold below.

这不是暂停,但确实阻止了注册 仅在预注册期间 直到学生有资格注册为止. 未持时票入学的学生,可于公开报名开始时报名.

Only degree-seeking students registered for the current term are eligible to receive time tickets.

LEO Online

学生应该经常检查 LEO Online 在登记之前,要确保所有的货舱都已清空.

hold一旦被附加到学生的账户上,就会显示出来. 未来保留将以粗体显示,并在指定的日期生效.

Advising Staff

大学政策要求所有寻求学位的学生都被告知, 是否被宣布为专业. Students must contact an advisor to consult on the degree completion plan in order for the hold to be lifted.

  • All new first-year students will meet with the advisor during Monarch Orientation if attending classes on the main campus.
  • ODU在线学生 必须联系指定的指导老师吗.
  • 新转学生 attending classes on the main campus should contact either the transfer advisor in the college or the designated faculty advisor.
  • 在ODU高等教育中心上课的学生 可以联系最近的中心咨询吗.
  • 研究生 必须联系他们的学术部门来解除这个限制吗.
  • These holds become effective either November 1 for registration for the next spring and summer semesters, 或4月1日报名.

Hold Prohibits: Registration
Contact: 查看指导教师列表 http://y41v.secretsilm.com/success/academic/advising/advisors, or e-mail advisor@secretsilm.com.


These holds are placed when the student's account becomes past due or is submitted to the collection agency. 学费截止日期在每学期开始之前公布,学生应该在上课之前计划好在大学上课的资金. 欲知详情,请浏览 y41v.secretsilm.com/finance
Hold Prohibits:登记,发放成绩单,增加应收账款活动.
Contact:财务办公室,Rollins Hall, 757-683-3030; tuition@secretsilm.com

当学生有拖欠金额到期时,帐户将被a /R持有.
Hold Prohibits:登记,发放成绩单,增加应收账款活动.
Contact:财务办公室,Rollins Hall, 757-683-3030; tuition@secretsilm.com

Occasionally, a体育应收帐款持有, 很少使用, 如果学生运动员没有归还设备(笔记本电脑), 运动器材, 书籍),教练和/或管理人员要求这样做. 理由包括:需要归还运动器材.
Hold Prohibits:登记,发放成绩单,增加应收账款活动.
Contact:体育副主任, 683-5224, 或学生运动员学术顾问, 683-3709, 1st Floor, 体育行政大楼

当学生对学校有债务时,这个保留会被记录在学生的记录上. 暂停不禁止注册(退、加、退课).
Hold Prohibits发放成绩单,增加应收账款活动.
Contact: 财务办公室,罗林斯大厅,757-683-3030; tuition@secretsilm.com


Hold Prohibits: Registration
Contact: 招生办公室,757-683-3685; admissions@secretsilm.com

This hold is used once the student has applied for admission to the University but a decision has not yet been made.
Hold Prohibits: Registration
Contact: 招生办公室,757-683-3685; admissions@secretsilm.com

这项限制适用于所有被录取的学生,并要求他们披露任何犯罪记录. 完成犯罪背景调查问卷 MyODU portal 在货舱部分下,开始货舱移除过程.

在大多数情况下,在完成表格后立即取消保留. In some cases, 学生可能需要提交额外的文件, 这将促使另一次审查.
Hold Prohibits: Registration
Contact: 招生办公室,757-683-3685; admissions@secretsilm.com

This hold is used when the student has not paid the admissions deposit confirming attendance at the University.
Hold Prohibits: Registration
Contact: 招生办公室,757-683-3685; admissions@secretsilm.com

这个hold在需要官方考试成绩(SAT或ACT)时使用. 在入学申请中提供自我报告考试成绩的新生必须在入学前提交正式成绩.
Hold Prohibits: Registration
Contact: 招生办公室,757-683-3685; admissions@secretsilm.com

This hold is placed when an applicant has not yet submitted an official transcript for evaluation by the 招生办公室.
Hold Prohibits: Registration
Contact招生办公室,757-683-3685; admissions@secretsilm.com


AT握法是田径运动员使用的主要握法. Student-athletes are associated with their sport code in the administrative system beginning with orientation. 这是由体育咨询人员放置的,用于防止学生运动员或校园工作人员更改学生运动员的注册时间表, ensuring full-time enrollment of at least 12 hours and fulfilling other University and NCAA requirements. 在更改任何时间表之前,学生必须与学生运动员顾问之一面谈.
Hold Prohibits: Registration
Contact: 学生运动员学术顾问,683-3709或683-3715


This hold is for the occasional student who does not respond to request for information we are required to maintain.
Hold Prohibits: 登记、发布成绩单
Contact: 职业发展服务,韦伯中心2楼,683-5341; cds@secretsilm.com


Hold Prohibits: Registration
Contact: 学生行为和学术诚信办公室,757-683-3431; oscai@secretsilm.com

Hold Prohibits: 处理和查看成绩单或成绩.
Contact: 学生行为和学术诚信办公室,757-683-3431; oscai@secretsilm.com

Hold Prohibits: Graduation
Contact: 学生行为和学术诚信办公室,757-683-3431; oscai@secretsilm.com


Holds are usually placed on the records of international students who have not demonstrated proof of insurance. See y41v.secretsilm.com/visa/insurance.
Hold Prohibits
: Registration
Contact: 英语语言中心,683-4424


This hold is applied to the records of graduating students who have received financial aid during enrollment at the University. 贷款退出咨询是必需的,可以通过点击来完成 www.studentloans.gov.
Hold Prohibits: 登记,发放成绩单,额外的应收账款活动
Contact:财政援助办公室,683-3683; finaid@secretsilm.com.


自2010年秋季入学或重新入学的所有攻读学位和学士学位后(教师执照)研究生都需要完成负责任研究行为(RCR)基础知识的培训。. 此培训必须在完成12个学时之前完成. 未完成RCR培训的学生将被暂停注册和毕业,直到培训完成. 学生可以在DegreeWorks查看显示培训已经完成的条目.
Hold Prohibits: 注册、毕业
与RCR培训有关的问题 寄给研究合规部临时主任韦恩·海因斯,地址是 whynes@secretsilm.com or 757-683-3613.
如果学生的记录没有更新 或者舱位没有被解除 自培训结束之日起三个工作日后bet8九州登录入口:大学教务处, register@secretsilm.com.

一学期出勤率低于3分的研究生.平均绩点为0的学生将被列为学术警告. 这个hold通知学生他或她可以继续注册本科课程, 但不是在研究生课程中. Student cannot use LEO Online to register; must submit completed registration form.
Hold Prohibits: Registration
Contact: 研究生院,757-683-4885, graduateschool@secretsilm.com

在正式申请进入学位课程之前,非学位学生有资格注册最多12个学分. 超过12小时后,将在学生的记录中记录. 如果学生不打算参加学位课程, 而是从事终身学习活动, 执照或证书课程, 学生应将未来的入学意向告知研究生院.
Hold Prohibits: Registration
Contact: 研究生院,757-683-4885, graduateschool@secretsilm.com

收到此警告的学生可以继续参加终身学习课程, licensure or certificate programs; however if the student exceeds 11.99小时后,将适用GF. 如果学生不打算参加学位课程, 而是从事终身学习活动, 执照或证书课程, 学生应将未来的入学意向告知研究生院. The GF hold is restrictive; the GW hold is not.
Hold Prohibits: Nothing; this hold is informational only
Contact: 研究生院,757-683-4885, graduateschool@secretsilm.com

有项目解雇hold的研究生已经从他们的项目中被解雇, and are not allowed to register for any graduate or undergraduate classes for a period of eight (8) years following the dismissal, 除非他们被新项目录取, 或者一个被批准的例外.
Hold Prohibits: Registration
Contact: 研究生院,757-683-4885, graduateschool@secretsilm.com


This hold is placed on the records of students who have not provided evidence of required health immunizations. Students are notified by email from Health Services to the ODU student e-mail address when the immunization hold is placed.
Hold Prohibits: Registration
Contact: 学生健康服务,757-683-3132


Hold Prohibits: Registration
国际招生,757-683-3701, intladm@secretsilm.com

这个保留只放在有资格在英语语言中心参加强化英语课程的学生的记录上, Hughes Hall. 这类学生不能参加学术课程.
Hold Prohibits: Registration
Contact: 国际招生,757-683-3701, intladm@secretsilm.com

Graduate Bridge courses are required and are taught through the 英语语言中心, Hughes Hall. 学生最多可以注册3个学分. 桥梁课程的注册在英语语言中心完成, Hughes Hall; registration for academic credit courses is required at the Registrar's Office in Rollins Hall.
Hold Prohibits: Registration
Contact: 国际招生,757-683-3701, intladm@secretsilm.com

本科桥课程是必修课,通过英语语言中心授课, Hughes Hall. 学生最多可以注册8个学分. 学术课程需要在罗林斯大厅的注册办公室注册.
Hold Prohibits: Registration
Contact: 国际招生,757-683-3701, intladm@secretsilm.com

这一类的国际学生已经通过了写作样本分班测试,并且可以注册最多10个学分. 本科桥课程是必修课,通过英语语言中心授课, Hughes Hall. 学术课程需要在罗林斯大厅的注册办公室注册.
Hold Prohibits: Registration
国际招生,757-683-3701, intladm@secretsilm.com

学生在夏季课程中最多可以注册3个学分. 学术课程需要在罗林斯大厅的注册办公室注册.
Hold Prohibits: Registration
Contact: 国际招生,757-683-3701, intladm@secretsilm.com

Hold Prohibits: Registration
国际招生,757-683-3701, intladm@secretsilm.com


搁置的原因有很多——可能需要提交丢失的文档, 不回复电子邮件, etc. 保留中的文本将指示要删除的问题或解决方案.
Hold Prohibits: Registration
Contact: 签证和移民服务咨询,757-683-4756; intlstu@secretsilm.com

此保留适用于所有持有非移民签证的学生.e. 那些没有绿卡或美国公民身份的人.S. 被ODU的新学术课程录取(即使是回国/继续学习的学生). 请浏览签证 & 入境事务处(签证)办事处网页(y41v.secretsilm.com/visa)查阅登记日期、地点、文件要求等资料. 没有学位的学生可以通过电子邮件向VISA和他们的美国学生寻求帮助.
Hold Prohibits: Registration
签证和移民服务咨询,757-683-4756; intlstu@secretsilm.com

所有F-1学生, J-1 and J-2 status are required by University and/or federal policies to maintain health insurance that meets certain requirements. This hold is placed on students who have not yet purchased the University-mandated insurance policy.
Hold Prohibits: Registration
Contact: 签证和移民服务咨询,757-683-4756; intlstu@secretsilm.com


这些保留是在材料逾期返回或发生损坏时放置的. 任何图书馆工作人员都可以提供帮助.
Hold Prohibits: 发放成绩单,额外的应收账款活动
Contact: 佩里图书馆服务台,757-683-4178,或 y41v.secretsilm.com/library
Contact: Todd, Bremer & 劳森,800-849-6669.

这些保留是在材料逾期返回或发生损坏时放置的. 任何图书馆工作人员都可以提供帮助.
Hold Prohibits: 登记,发放成绩单,额外的应收账款活动
Contact: 佩里图书馆服务台,757-683-4178,或 y41v.secretsilm.com/library
Contact: Todd, Bremer & 劳森,800-849-6669.


This hold is placed on the records of students who default on a Student Emergency Loan made by the SOS Office. 还款期限为贷款之日起30天. Students who fail to repay the loan in full by 5pm EST on the repayment date will have a financial hold placed on their record. 在收到付款后的24小时内取消保留.
Hold Prohibits: 注册、颁发成绩单、颁发毕业证书
Contact: 757-683-3442 or ODUCares@secretsilm.com

Parking & 运输服务

Hold Prohibits: Registration, 注册验证, 公布笔录, 额外的应收账款活动
Contact: 停车服务电话:757-683-4004; parking@secretsilm.com

Hold Prohibits: 注册审核,成绩单发布,额外的应收账款活动
Contact: 停车服务电话:757-683-4004; parking@secretsilm.com


This hold may be placed for several reasons and will usually require the student to contact the Registrar's Office for resolution.
Hold Prohibits: Registration, 注册验证, 公布笔录, 领取文凭, 查看成绩的能力, 额外的应收账款活动
Contact: 大学注册办公室,757-683-4425(选择注册选项); register@secretsilm.com

当一名学生在ODU上课后被大学录取,而另一名学生通过联合学位课程或弗吉尼亚潮汐财团计划被另一所大学录取, 并要求学生联系注册办公室获取成绩单.
Hold Prohibits: 公布笔录
Contact: 大学教务处 register@secretsilm.com

这一保留是对通过弗吉尼亚潮汐财团在大学作为客座学生上课的学生的记录. 学生只能亲自到罗林斯大厅的注册办公室注册课程.
Hold Prohibits: 登记、发布成绩单
Contact: 大学注册办公室,757-683-4425(选择注册选项); register@secretsilm.com

This hold is placed on the records of students who have applied for graduation for the current term. 确定不能如期毕业的学生应联系注册办公室毕业工作人员,更新预期毕业日期,并取消延期. Students who wish to take classes AFTER graduation must be readmitted to the University as a non-degree, second degree, 或研究生之前的扣留将被取消.
Hold Prohibits: Registration
Contact: 大学注册办公室,757-683-4425(选择毕业选项); graduate@secretsilm.com

很少使用. 学生应联系注册办公室.
Hold Prohibits: Registration
Contact: 大学注册办公室,757-683-4425(选择注册选项); register@secretsilm.com

持有该学位的学生正在(或已经)参加bet8体育娱乐入口与东弗吉尼亚医学院共享的联合学位课程之一, 威廉玛丽学院, 诺福克州立大学, 以及其他机构, bet8体育娱乐入口不是这个项目的注册学校吗.
Hold Prohibits: Registration; Transcripts
Contact: 大学注册办公室,757-683-4425(选择注册选项); register@secretsilm.com 或者你所在学校的注册办公室

Hold Prohibits: Registration
Contact: 大学注册办公室,757-683-4425(选择注册选项); register@secretsilm.com


This hold is placed when a student's account becomes past due for failure to pay for lost or damaged equipment, 没收保证金或滞纳金.
Hold Prohibits: Registration, 注册验证, 公布笔录, 额外的应收账款活动.
Contact: 副主任娱乐和健康,学生娱乐中心套房1207,757-683-3384, recwell@secretsilm.com

This hold is placed when a student's account becomes past due for failure to pay for lost or damaged equipment, 没收保证金或滞纳金.
Hold Prohibits: 注册审核,成绩单发布,额外的应收账款活动.
Contact: 副主任娱乐和健康,学生娱乐中心套房1207,757-683-3384, recwell@secretsilm.com

Assessment Office

新生在入学前必须完成一份大学过渡清单(TCI)问卷. TCI帮助大学的工作人员了解班级学生的特点,以促进他们向大学的过渡. TCI通常在预览期间完成. Students who do not attend Preview will have the TCI hold placed and will not be able to register.
Hold Prohibits: Registration
Contact: 评估办公室,757-683-3322; assess@secretsilm.com

新生必须完成新生评估. This is a survey that must be submitted in advance of registration for the student's second semester at the University.
Hold Prohibits: Registration
Contact: 评估办公室,757-683-3322; assess@secretsilm.com

研究生必须在大学最后一个学期完成研究生满意度调查(GSSS). 在GSSS完成并提交给评估办公室之前,学位将不会发布,学生将不会收到文凭.
Hold Prohibits: Graduation
Contact: 评估办公室,757-683-3322; assess@secretsilm.com

Transfer students are required to complete the Transfer Student Satisfaction Survey during the first semester of attendance. Students will not be able to register for a second semester if the transfer student assessment has not been completed. Students will receive a personal invitation at their ODU email address shortly after the beginning of the Fall or Spring semester.
Hold Prohibits: Registration
Contact: 评估办公室,757-683-3322; assess@secretsilm.com

在完成转学生满意度调查后,入学的转学生将被邀请参加转学生传记问卷(BioQ). Students will not be able to register for a second semester if the transfer student assessment has not been completed. Students will receive a personal invitation at their ODU email address within 24 hours after submitting the TSS.
Hold Prohibits: Registration
Contact: 评估办公室,757-683-3322; assess@secretsilm.com

The Senior Assessment (Senior Student Satisfaction Survey) is a University requirement for graduation. 它必须在学生计划毕业的学期内完成,并且在注册办公室的记录中申请毕业和“待毕业”的学生可以使用. 个人邀请将被发送到学生的ODU电子邮件地址. 没有完成高级评估的学生可以参加毕业典礼, 但学位不会被记录,文凭将被扣留,直到调查完成并提交给评估办公室.
Hold Prohibits: Graduation
Contact: 评估办公室,757-683-3322; assess@secretsilm.com

学术延续 & Transfer Programs

被停学的学生将被记录在案. 除非学生成功地对停学提出上诉,或者停学期已经结束,并且该学生已经被重新激活或重新被大学录取,否则该暂停将阻止学生进一步注册.
Hold Prohibits: Registration
Contact: 学术延续,757-683-3773或 y41v.secretsilm.com/continuance


这一保留被放置在英语110C学分转移的学生的记录上,这些学生被要求在大学第一学期之前或期间参加写作样本分班测试(WSPT). 如果他们通过了,他们就达到了最初的写作要求. 如果他们没有通过, 他们被要求与写作中心的顾问会面,以审查他们的考试. 如果学生在第一学期结束时没有参加或没有复习考试, 下学期的注册被搁置了. 这一政策已经终止. Any student with a WC hold may have it removed by a university official authorized to release holds or may contact writingplacement@secretsilm.com 要求移除.
Hold Prohibits: Registration
Contact: 写作辅导和支持,电子邮件: writingplacement@secretsilm.com, http://y41v.secretsilm.com/englishdept/general-education/writing-placement


Hold Prohibits: Registration
Contact: 教师教育服务,757-683-3348.


This hold is placed (and removed) at the request of the 机构公平和多样性办公室 (OIED). 有此hold的学生应联系OIED寻求帮助.
Hold Prohibits: 公布笔录
Contact: 机构公平和多样性办公室,757-683-3141或电子邮件 equityanddiversity@secretsilm.com.